sprout salad recipe – weight loss recipe | स्प्राउट्स सलाद | moong bean sprout salad

sprout salad recipe – weight loss recipe | स्प्राउट्स सलाद | moong bean sprout salad sprout salad recipe – weight loss recipe | स्प्राउट्स सलाद | moong bean sprout salad

Friday Night Photos #126 Friday Night Photos #126

Finally! By the time this post goes live, I'll be getting ready to pick Jerry up from the airport. ..
Bananas Foster French Toast Bananas Foster French Toast

Bananas Foster French ToastThis bananas foster French toast is a delicious combination of the..
Ep220: Finding the Sweet Spot with Autoimmune Disease & Exercise with Andrea Wool Ep220: Finding the Sweet Spot with Autoimmune Disease & Exercise with Andrea Wool

In this episode, Tina chats with Andrea Wool about how to find the “sweet spot” for exercise when..
2023 lululmon Holiday Gift Guide 2023 lululmon Holiday Gift Guide

2023 lululmon Holiday Gift GuideThe 2023 holiday season is here and we’ve put our expert lululemon..
Vegan Chocolate Chips Recipe Vegan Chocolate Chips Recipe

Vegan Chocolate Chips RecipeEasily make your own dairy-free and gluten-free vegan chocolate chips..
Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 110 Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 110

Well, as you can see, I finally wore one of my sundresses! A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that ..
Maple Hot Toddy Maple Hot Toddy

Maple Hot ToddyThis maple hot toddy is soul-soothing and the perfect hot cocktail to warm you up..
Crock Pot Baked Potatoes Crock Pot Baked Potatoes

Crock Pot Baked PotatoesCrock pot baked potatoes are truly a set-it-and-forget-it kind of recipe,..
Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 112 Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 112

Remember the Gap Kids overalls I bought at Goodwill to try and alter to fit me? (I loved them, but ..
Easy Roasted Delicata Squash Easy Roasted Delicata Squash

Easy Roasted Delicata SquashNo peeling required for this easy, flavorful roasted delicata squash..
Deep Thoughts With Jerry #21 Deep Thoughts With Jerry #21

Jerry and I were discussing what questions to put on the blog today, and I had the idea that we..
Super Simple Vegan Mac and Cheese Super Simple Vegan Mac and Cheese

Super Simple Vegan Mac and CheeseMade with a simple cashew cream sauce, this vegan mac and cheese..
Pierced! Pierced!

When I sat down to write my Friday Night Photos today, I looked through my camera roll and saw..
Pumpkin Rice Pudding Pumpkin Rice Pudding

Pumpkin Rice PuddingMade with just 5 ingredients, pumpkin rice pudding is a delightfully warm and..
Three Things Thursday: Timeless Three Things Thursday: Timeless

When I was tying my shoes yesterday, I thought about how long I've had that particular pair. I was ..
Deep Thoughts With Jerry #19 Deep Thoughts With Jerry #19

I just got done prepping dinner (chopping veggies, measuring spices, etc.) because Jerry is going..
Ep200: What My Food Diary Taught Me in 5 Days Ep200: What My Food Diary Taught Me in 5 Days

In this episode, Tina shares the importance of tracking food and shares insights from her 5-day..
Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 108 Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 108

I'm going to (try to) keep this on the short side. I'm working on some things for a small party..
Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

Apple Cinnamon Overnight OatsUnlock the secret to the perfect fall breakfast with our apple..
Snickers Energy Balls Snickers Energy Balls

Snickers Energy BallsThese Snickers energy balls are such a fun twist on classic energy bites. Food ..
Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 98 Wednesday Weigh-In: Week 98

It's so weird to me when I flip my photo in order to be able to read my shirt--I'm not used to..
Easy Baked Eggs Easy Baked Eggs

Easy Baked EggsThis baked eggs recipe is as simple as it gets! Crack eggs in a greased muffin tin..
Healthy Blueberry Muffins Healthy Blueberry Muffins

Healthy Blueberry MuffinsThese healthy blueberry muffins are made with 100% whole grains and..
What meat can diabetics eat freely? What meat can diabetics eat freely?

You have a lot of options, such as beef, chicken, fish, pork, turkey, seafood, beans, cheese, eggs, ..
What is the most powerful antioxidant in the body? What is the most powerful antioxidant in the body?

As mentioned before, a-tocopherol is well recognized and accepted as nature's most effective..
What drinks are good for your heart? What drinks are good for your heart?

Heart-healthy drinks (other than water), sparkling water (try adding chopped fruits or herbs, such..
Simple Salmon Sushi Burrito Simple Salmon Sushi Burrito

Simple Salmon Sushi BurritoOur take on a simple salmon sushi burrito recipe packs all your favorite ..
Impromptu Photo Session Impromptu Photo Session

Today, Eli was supposed to have two baseball games and then his girlfriend's prom right after--a..
Steak Salad Steak Salad

Steak SaladIncredible steak salad made with perfectly grilled New York strip steak, tons of veggies,..
Spring Cleaning Spring Cleaning

I think I write a post like this every year, but this is the time of year where I get very antsy..
Air Fryer Elote Air Fryer Elote

Air Fryer EloteYou’re going to love this easy air fryer elote recipe! The fresh corn is seasoned..
Bonfire Time! Bonfire Time!

This post started as something else entirely, and then when I started looking for a couple of..
Three Things Thursday: Pride Three Things Thursday: Pride

This post is going to be far from humble--just a forewarning ;)I'm not sure why this topic popped..
Nutritionist Wellsville Utah Nutritionist Wellsville Utah

Nutritionist Wellsville Utah Have you ever thought of your body as a well-oiled machine, constantly ..
Does Medicare Cover Nutritionist For Insidious Weight Loss Does Medicare Cover Nutritionist For Insidious Weight Loss

Does Medicare Cover Nutritionist For Insidious Weight Loss Are you struggling with insidious weight ..
My Weight Loss Journey | From 70kg to 45kgs at Home Without Exercise | Diet Plan + Tips My Weight Loss Journey | From 70kg to 45kgs at Home Without Exercise | Diet Plan + Tips

I Lost 25 kgs weight at home without exercise & going to Gym | My weight loss journeyMy Weight Loss ..
What Does A Nutritionist Do For Weight Loss? What Does A Nutritionist Do For Weight Loss?

What Does A Nutritionist Do For Weight Loss Are you tired of feeling weighed down by excess pounds? ..
Ep184: Unveiling My 12-Week Cut Transformation Ep184: Unveiling My 12-Week Cut Transformation

In this episode, Tina talks about her incredible 12-week fat loss phase (cut). She shares her..
EP174: Recovering from Burnout [Part 2 of 3] EP174: Recovering from Burnout [Part 2 of 3]

In this episode of the Carrots ‘N’ Cake Podcast, I dive into Part 2 of Recovering From Burnout. I..
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